National Digital Literacy Programme
National Digital Literacy Programme
Digital technology is becoming increasingly pervasive in jobs, workplaces and society. The NDLP was launched in March 2020 to make digital learning inclusive by equipping students with the digital literacies to be future-ready.
The NDLP aims to equip our students with Digital Literacies.
Digital Literacies will better enable our students, at different stages of their education journey, to acquire the digital skills required to navigate the digital age. We hope to do this by applying the four mutually reinforcing components in the 'Find, Think, Apply and Create’ framework'.

Through the NDLP, all secondary school students will own a school-prescribed Personal Learning Device (PLD).
The device will be used to facilitate an environment that encourages personalised learning.

Funding Support for Singapore Citizen (SC) Students
The cost of the device bundle can be paid using your child’s Edusave account, after setting aside provision for payment of second-tier miscellaneous fees.
To ensure the affordability of devices, there was a one-time Edusave top-up of $200 in April 2020 to support the purchase of the device. (This is on top of the annual $290 credited into the Edusave account for Secondary School students.)
For students on MOE-FAS, subsidies are available even if there is insufficient Edusave balance. The cash out-of-pocket will be $0.
Safe and Seamless Learning Environment for Students
The school has in place some measures to enable a safe and seamless learning environment for students.
A. Educating students on Cyber Wellness
MOE has made significant changes to the Character and Citizenship Education. Cyber Wellness lessons will feature significantly in the CCE2021 lessons.
**Topics covered in the Cyber Wellness lessons include:
Cyber Use
Cyber Identity
Cyber Relationships
Cyber Citizenship
Cyber Ethics
B. Device Management Application (DMA)
Device management application (DMA) software will be installed on your child’s device to provide a safe learning experience for your child, and to help administer the device to enhance teaching and learning.
C. Other Strategies and Support Structures in PHS
These include:
Introductory sessions to key ICT platforms for all Secondary One students i.e. Preshigh email
Home-based Learning Days for Sec 1 – 3 to familiarise students on home-based learning and self-directed learning using technology
Collaborative projects that tap on use of ICT and encourage peer support
Personal lockers in every classroom which allow students to keep their PLDs
D. Partnering with Parents
The role of the parent is also key in partnering the school to support and help prepare your child for an increasingly complex, interconnected and technology-driven world.
You can refer to the Parent Handbook(I) on Learning with a Personal Learning Device (PLD) which shares more information on how owning a PLD will enhance the child’s learning, as well as provides some digital parenting tips, strategies and resources.
This handbook is disseminated to parents via Parents Gateway and a copy can also be found in the school’s website.
Please see the latest content at our Useful Quick Links for Parents